Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Update for the Week

Sorry I haven't posted anything yet this week, I will see if I am able to get one of my ideas into fruition before the end of the week, if not there may not be updates for a while as I will be going on vacation. However I still may be able to provide updates if there is internet and I get extra time to work on comics. All these depend on the circumstances.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Mushrooms Part 2

You may need to see part 1 of magic mushrooms to understand what happens.

Today's comic features Nidalee, Soraka and Ashe.

Deviant Art link


Sunday, 12 June 2011

Lux Fan Art 2

This picture of Lux was actually featured in the Lux and Marisa picture from earlier in the week but I liked this drawing of her enough to post her as again as a separate picture.

Deviant Art Link


Saturday, 11 June 2011

Vladimir Puns

I realized that comments seemed to only be enabled for users with accounts so now I've opened it up to anybody. I appreciate feedback to improve / make me feel more inspired :).

This comic can't/won't be added to the current poll of favorite comics.

Pretty much everyone of Vladimir's quotes has a pun of some sort in it, relating to blood in some form. I decided to take these quotes and apply them a bit more literally.

Deviant Art Link


Tuesday, 7 June 2011

What is a man?

Nothing but a miserable pile of secrets.

Sorry about the delay before this comic, but things might have to slow down a bit or else I might run out of ideas more quickly so there will probably be more a of delay between updates. I don't think I could keep up the whole, doing a comic every 2 days.

Anyways here is a one panel comic this time, featuring Vladimir and Garen

Deviant Art Link


Monday, 6 June 2011

Update for Comics

I've been playing a little too much LOL for my own good so I haven't really been cranking out the comics as quickly. That and I've been hanging out with friends a lot too. I should hopefully have a new comic/fan art within the next few days.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Items 2

Comic time again, today's comic featuring Garen and Master Yi. They discuss an item Garen has recently gotten in his possession.

Guest Appearance Youmu Konpaku of Touhou.

Deviant Art Link